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General Use Mobile Computer
These mobile computers are a smart choice for single-store retailers, small business asset management, or mobile field sales. Available in a variety of form factors, general use mobile computers tend to be either small batch data collection devices or enterprise class phones with advanced data capture capabilities. These mobile computers are built with fewer features than heavy duty or industrial mobile computers, but give you an economical way to collect data at your business.
Datalogic Memor X3
Starting At: $521.41
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Starting At: $521.41
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Unitech SRD650
Starting At: $356.40
Unitech PA700
Starting At: $809.00
1 on Outlet starting from $145.00
1 on Outlet starting from $145.00
Unitech HT630
Starting At: $574.43
Datalogic Joya Touch A6
Starting At: $1,007.36
Discontinued Products
The following models have been discontinued and are no longer carried by POSMicro.com. In some cases, accessories may still be available. We will try to list replacement models in the product description when available.
Datalogic | Falcon 310 | Falcon 315 | Falcon 320 | Falcon 325 | Falcon 330 | Falcon 335 | Falcon 340 | Falcon 345 | Falcon 4210 | Formula | Memor | Memor K | PT Dock | PT2000 | PT40 | TopGunHoneywell | Dolphin 6000 | Dolphin 60s | Dolphin 7200 | Dolphin 7400 | Dolphin CT40 | Dolphin CT60 | Honeywell Dolphin CN80 | OptimusS SP5500 | ScanPal 2 | ScanPal EDA51 | ScanPal EDA60K
Intermec | CS40
Motorola | ES400 | MC1000 | MC35 | MC50 | P300STD | P302FZY | P304PRO | PDT3100 | PDT6100 Series | PDT6800 | PDT8000 | PDT8056 | PDT8100 | PPT2800 | PPT8800 Series | SPT1550 | SPT1800 | WSS1000 - WSS1060
Opticon | H15 | H16 | PHL 2700
POS-X | Fuzion
Socket | SoMo 650
Unitech | HT680 | PA500 | PA500e | PA550 | PA950 | PT930
Zebra | MC18 | MC2100 | MC40 | MC45 | TC20/25 | WT41N0