Honeywell 300000161
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The picture displayed for this item is a picture of the TT8500 and may not be of this part number.
When you buy this product you receive:
Reusable bezel assembly for the Honeywell TT8500 Signature Capture Pad
Please call for pricing and information
About This Product
For a complete product description, including technical specifications, warranty information, and additional models please visit the
main TT8500 page.
Product Technical Specifications
Listed specifications may not apply to every part number including the one listed above. Contact us and we will happily verify whether this part number is compatible with your current hardware and software.
Physical Characteristics
Performance Characteristics
Signature Processing
- Dimensions (W x D x H): 7.3" x 7.56" x 2"
- Weight: 2 lbs
- Minimum Print Contrast:
- Display: 4.45" x 3.3"
- Interface Type: RS-232 Serial/Passthrough, RS-485, PC USB, IBM Retail USB, Ethernet
- Power: 700 mA @ 12 VDC
Performance Characteristics
- Processor: Intel 32 Bit Processor
- Memory: 16MB to 64MB SDRAM ; 4MB to 16MB Flash
- Development Tools: OPOS, JPOS, TTAdvantage88
- Display Resolution: 320 x 240
- Touch Pad Resolution: 903 x 1238 ppi
Signature Processing
- Compression: SIG - 5:1 (default), VBC - 4:1, NLC - 5:1, CMP - 10:1
- Average File Size: SIG - 1600 Bytes, VBC - 500 Bytes, NLC - 400 Bytes, CMP - 200 Bytes
- Hardware Features: Secure key injection, tamper response, dedicated security processor
- Firmware Authentication: File Authentication (SHA1 and RSA at 1024 bits)
- Encryption: PIN Encryption, Master/Session key, DUKPT, single and triple DES 64 and 128 bit keys